Entrepreneur Raisa
My name is Raisa. I am a mother of four children, nurse of health, reindeer herder and a wife of reindeer herder. I love cooking, baking and every kind of handicrafts. I do many kinds of handicrafts of reindeer and fish leather and different materials of nature.
I have borned in Lapland and lived my hole life in Lapland. I'm daughter of wilderness guide, fisherman and hunter and my mother is a cook. Nature has always been important part of my life and close to my heart. I have been only couble months old, when I have been at the first time with my family fishing and picking berries. When I was enough old my father took me also with him to hunt. My grandmother family were also reindeer herders, but when I was a child we didn't have reindeer anymore. As tourism entrepreneur my father had some sleigh reindeer.
As a professional I am BBA of international business and marketing, but also nurse and nurse of health. I speak Finnish, Northern Sami and English.

Entrepreneur Janne
Here is our family father Janne. He is a reindeer herder. Janne spends much time on mountains and forests herding our family reindeers. Reindeer herding is a way of life to him and it decides his year circle. His family has herded reindeers for centuries. He also likes to spend time with us always when it's possible. Janne speaks Northern Sami and Finnish.

Family children
Here are our children (youngest one missing this photo). They are lights of our life. They are full of life and always so eager to take part in reindeer herding works. We are so happy, when we have possibility to let our children grow here in Lapland, groving as a reindeer herder and Sámi culture life. Happy to teach them to appreciate and live next to the nature.